Margaret Frazer

Margaret Frazer's Winter Heart Blog Tour

Strange Gods, Strange Men - Margaret Frazer

Today I’m taking a break from appearances. But instead of an interview, you’re getting a Blog Tour Special! My short story “Strange Gods, Strange Men” is on sale for both the Kindle and Nook for just $0.99!


Only sometimes, when the rain was falling or the gray mist hung thick among the trees, did he remember…

… blue seas and a blue sky of a kind never seen in these cold northlands. And green, green marshes, and the thick smells of the delta marshes and black Nile mud, and Alexandria glowing white under a sun that baked to the bones. Alexandria. The name itself sang of legends — Joseph and Moses and Pharoah; statues that sang at dawn; and pyramids said to be as big as mountains and maybe full of gold.

And thereĀ he had learned how legends looked when they were half-tumbled into ruins.

Join award-winning author Margaret Frazer in the sweltering deserts of medieval Egypt, where the swirling dust of history wraps man and god alike in a legacy of endless blood.

Kindle Edition / Nook Edition

Feel free to drop by my Facebook fan page and say hello if you’re feeling friendly! We’ve also got someĀ interesting conversations continuing on Patricia Stoltey’s blog.

– Margaret

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