Margaret Frazer

In Memoriam

February 28th, 2013

Gail Frazer, who most of you knew as Margaret Frazer, passed in her sleep on February 4th, 2013.

  Gail "Margaret" Frazer - 1992  Gail "Margaret" Frazer - 1999


This website will continue to be maintained and updated by her sons, Justin and Seth, to keep you updated on our continued efforts to share her amazing legacy with the world.

36 Responses to “In Memoriam”

  1. Elynor Vine

    Margaret Frazier’s death leaves a gaping maw in the literary world as far as I’m concerned. I’m a voracious reader with high standards and expectations, perhaps more than necessary; nevertheless when I read a book, I expect to be immersed in the story and transported to new places and experiences that are credible within the context of the work whatever the genre.And I expect it to be well written. Not once have I been disappointed in a Margaret Frazier work. Her writing is clear and eloquent without being stodgy or cliche; her stories are consistently compelling and her characters…well, they walk right off the page. Dame Frivesse, for example, became as physically, emotionally and intellectually real to me as anyone I know in my own life. I can’t say this about any other character I’ve read in any other book in all my reading life, and I have read thousands of books..

    My condolences to her family and loved ones. She has left a legacy of work that will generate countless new readers and future generations of readers for as long as language and books and great stories exist.

    Elynor Vine

  2. Dorothea Jaklitsch

    I just just finished reading The Apostate’s Tale. I had never read any other books by Margaret Frazer and went online to research more titles. I was saddened to come across the fact of her passing, but heartened to see all that she had left for her readers to enjoy. As the previous comment mentioned, I am one of the countless new readers who will be discovering her books. My belated, but sincere condolences to her family and loved ones.

  3. Beverly Leitner

    I have just now discovered that the wonderful author, Margaret Frazer, passed away 2 years ago. I have been buying and stock-piling her Dame Frevisse mysteries since reading the very first one. Tonight I finished the Apostate’s Tale and went online to see what had been written since this one and to order them. I was shocked when I read of her passing. I feel like a bad reader-friend for not knowing about it before now. I am truly saddened. My comments here are inarticulate and rambling and I apologize to her family. I am a bit shocked. Oh, how I will miss her novels! She was one of my very favorite writers. My most sincere condolences to her family.

  4. Shannon

    I just found out about Margaret Frazer’s death. I’ve been eagerly waiting for the next book in either of the mystery series, Dame Frevisse and Player Joliffe. I have loved these books and read them all more than once. I feel sad now because I’ve lost friends that will speak no more. Ms. Frazer’s death is a great loss to the historical mystery loving community.

  5. Mike

    I too have just found out that Gail has sadly passed away & would like to echo evrything that Shannon said in her post.

    In addition I can only say that I treasure the hours of pleasure that I have had reading her marvelous books, Fevrisse & Jollife have become dear friends & I shall miss them having any new adventures.

    Gail’s passing is a tragic loss to the literary world, she was an astounding author & story teller.

    May she rest in peace

  6. margaret Dams

    Hello, I am so sorry that your talented mother is no longer with us. Keep strong.

    I have found one of her books for the first time in our library and have googled her to find that she died on my birthday in 2013. Very sad.

    But, how is it that new novels keep coming – good news – and I shall persue them if I can find them in South Africa.

    I am a volunteer on the Friends of our Library, being rather older at 84. Love whodunnits but found that the 52 libraries here in SA only have one book of hers. Unbelievable.

    I buy books with the money we make and will look out for anything by her in future.

    Sincerely, Margaret Dams xx

  7. margaret Dams

    I posted a comment and it has disappeared. I hope it is in your computer.

  8. margaret Dams

    I have no website, being a private person at my computer. This is the third and final comment I will leave.

  9. Justin Alexander

    Thank you, all, for your very kind words. As her son, I find it hard to read them at times, But they are deeply appreciated.

    Margaret, if you return here and have an e-mail address please contact me and I will make what efforts possible to get you copies of my mother’s books so that you can enjoy them properly.

  10. VENEL

    je recherche une traduction française des romans de Mère Frévisse
    à ma connaissance, seuls les 6 premiers ont été traduits en Français (aux éditions 10/18)
    savez si les autres l’ont été également
    et comment je peux me les procurer?
    à bientôt

  11. Fern Vander Hart

    I finished this series this past week (except for the novellas that probably are ebooks only) and enjoyed it immensely. Not only did I enjoy Frevisse as a character, but I enjoyed learning about the life of the nuns in the priory and also learning so much about 15 century history as related to the Hundred Years’ War.

    I don’t know if the author was a devout Catholic, but her understanding of the spiritual side of Frevisse’s life seemed very real. That made her a very real character. I shall miss Dame Frevisse.

  12. Eileen Dudley

    Thank you for maintaining your mother’s website. I love her books. Every couple of years I read them all over again with the greatest pleasure.

  13. J. A. Nevins

    Dear friends,

    I just learned of your mother’s passing, and I send my condolences and prayers for you. I have read all of her books, some many times. Your mother had the extraordinary gift of sharing her heart through the characters she created. I am grateful to God for her, and sorry for your loss of her.

  14. Diana Supple

    I have just recently finished a marathon reading of all of the Dame Frevisse books and the Joliffe books, and it was only as I was trying to locate other books by Margaret Frazer that I found your memorial. I am very sad that such a talented woman is no longer with us. I have thoroughly enjoyed her stories, written in such a way that I felt a part of the stories. Her characters and her descriptions of medieval life were superb. Rest in peace, Margaret Frazer.

    I haven’t had much luck finding her Bishop Pecock tales or other short stories; any suggestions?

  15. M G Parrish

    For some time now, I have had this bad feeling because whenever I checked, I never found any new books by Margaret Frazer. But deep in my heart, I already had known what now at 4AM this morning is to be true. I am so saddened by her loss. I still have several books left to read — I savored them like a box of chocolates and tried to not greedily read them all at once. An author such as this, who spoke to me on so many levels, and was able to transport me to another time and place is such a rare find. I shall keep and treasure every one of her books until the day I die. Of course, I shall also have the pleasure of rereading each one too. I always felt of her as friend and so wished I could have had the pleasure of meeting her in person — hopefully in another lifetime as the connection felt so deep.
    My condolences go out to her sons and family in their (and all of our) losses.

  16. Joanne Grant

    I am reading my way through the two series, in chronological order this time. This must be at least the fifth time I am reading them. Gail’s characters, like those of my other favorite author – Maeve Binchey, are the standard I use to compare to any other book I read. Gail’s ability to make me instantly care what happens to them, her thorough research and her excellent writing are cherished. I also loved how much of herself she shared on this web site. I miss her every time I go to my bookshelf, the library or a bookstore.

  17. Marcie Robinson

    I’ve knows about this loss for quite some time. I was reading The Reeve’s Tale again today and it left me with such a sense of melancholy. I truly loved her work and am sad that it came to an end. Thank you for sharing her with the rest of us.

  18. Charlotte Jandl

    I’ve read two books in German with Fame Frevisse and I wanted to know more about the author. And I found this page with the announcement of your mother’ s death. I am so sorry. She was such a talented writer. I will search for her other books. She lives through her books even 6 years after her death.

  19. Mary Carmola

    Dear Family of Margaret Departed,
    I have collected these series, read and reread them and value them so highly – recommending them to many.
    Both Margaret and Frevisse are mentors for me in spirit. I found that her sense of place out in nature within the agricultural year’s tasks really entrancing.
    In my mind, she is unexcelled as a writer.

    Most Sincerely,
    Mary Carmola

  20. James

    I just re-binged read all of the Dame Frevisse books.

    Back in 2010, I sent your mother an e-mail asking about Dame Frevisse’s age and when we might see a new book. She quickly and graciously replied telling me what I needed to know and noted that her publisher was no longer interested in Dame Frevisse mysteries but she hoped to write a prequel and share more shared history of Frevisse and Chaucer. She told me there would be more Joliffe mysteries and encouraged me to pick up ” ‘Is Paris Lost?: The English Occupation 1422-1436’ by Raymond Reagan Butler, a book I’ve not made nearly as much use of as I would like to.”

    I received that reply February 4, 2010, three years to the day before she died. Every time I read her work I think fondly of her and wondered what might have been both with Frevisse before she became a nun and how she managed to solve more mysteries after she became prioress. Warm regards from a fan base that still thrives in a world of political turmoil.

  21. Boschucn

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  35. Leupoldjjc

    Century to a kind of destruction:

  36. Lin Jenkins

    In a couple of weeks it will be 10 years since Gail passed. Unbelievable. I had the privilege of becoming not just a fan, but a friend, and what a joy her friendship was. Over the last few years of her life, we were able to get together a couple of times a year when I visited my daughter, who lives in Minneapolis. When my granddaughter was born, we would collect Gail and take her out to lunch and she and the baby would enjoy each other’s company. Now the baby is 11. How I wish Gail had been able to see her grow!

    I’m presently in the middle of my recurring Frazer binge: all of Sister Freveisse, then all of Joliffe. As much as I enjoy the books– the elegant writing, the developing characters, the storylines intertwining– they make me miss my friend even more.

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