Margaret Frazer

The Novice's Tale - Margaret Frazer The Servant's Tale - Margaret Frazer

For a limited time only, the international Kindle editions of The Novice’s Tale and The Servant’s Tale are on sale for an insanely low price! You can purchase them for just £0.77 (UK) or 0,89€ (French, German, Italian).

My understanding is that you don’t actually need to live in the UK, France, Germany, or Italy in order to purchase the books from those sites. However, since I don’t control the e-book rights for these titles in America or Canada, you can’t purchase them there. (I wish that wasn’t the case, but it’s out of my control.)

So if you’re a Joliffe fan who’s wondering what the fuss is — or if you know anyone who loves historical fiction or a good mystery — now’s a great time to make Dame Frevisse’s acquaintance.

– Margaret

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