Margaret Frazer

Margaret Frazer – Tributes

February 20th, 2013

I’m taking a moment to archive and index the various tributes, memoriams, and obituaries which have been written and posted about my mother over the past two weeks. If you know of any others, please take a moment to comment. Of course, many people are still commenting on her Facebook fan page, too. In the near future, I’m hoping to scan some of the printed media and get it posted here as well.

During her memorial service, many of the comments posted here and on her Facebook fan page were read aloud over the music of “Non nobis, Domine” by Patrick Doyle (from Branagh’s Henry V). I would have liked to have read them all, but there were simply too many of them. But although many of you could not be there in the flesh, I wanted you to know that your thoughts were in the room with all of us and they moved us to tears. Thank you.


Gail "Margaret" Frazer - 1992 Gail "Margaret" Frazer - 1999

Star Tribune

Post Bulletin

Pioneer Press

Sharon Kay Penman: “Margaret Frazer, In Memoriam”

(Please note that all of the newspaper articles contain errors of fact. Most notably, my mother died on February 4th, not January 28th. Oddly that error occurred despite the article being written in direct response to an obituary which correctly listed the date. This sort of thing reminds one, as my 6th grade teacher Joe Stannich would have said, to read other news reports with a skeptical and critical eye.)


Obituary at Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)

Obituary at the Post Bulletin (Rochester, MN)

Obituary at the Star Courier (Kewanee, IL)

Obituary at Crescent Tide Funeral Services



Richard III Society of NSW

Mystery Fanfare Announcement

Galleycat Announcement

Minnpost Announcement

– Justin

8 Responses to “Margaret Frazer – Tributes”

  1. Kim Crawford

    I’m so sorry to hear of your mother’s loss! I’ve enjoyed her Joliffe series for several years, and was checking to see if any new one’s were coming out when I read this. She was one of my favorite authors, and her mysteries and great imagination will be missed! I lost my mother several years ago to heart disease. It’s hard to lose your mom at any age. You’ll be in my thoughts.

  2. Joan A. Smith

    I am trying to find a copy of each of the following books either e-books or paper backs: The sempters tale, The Reeves tale, the squires tale, the bastards tale, the widows tale, and the traitors tale. This would give me a complete set of the Frevisse series.

    Thank you

  3. rochelle hall

    I was trying to find a list of Margaret Frazer’s books when I came across this. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. Her stories have brought me much pleasure. They made me think.

  4. Kathleen Holmberg

    It is now 4 years since Margaret Frazer died. I have all her printed novels and the short novels on my kindle. I feel I knew Margaret as a personal friend. She was always quick to respond to my emails. How I wish I had printed them !

    My bag of Margaret’s novels are on loan again. This time to a group of four women who ,like the others I loaned them to, can’t put them down! I plan to read them again this fall.

    I can honestly say I miss not only any new books she would have written , but I also miss Margaret Frazier as a cyber friend. She came across as a warm, and very interesting person.

  5. Barbara G. Patton

    Found a war ration book with Margaret Frazier’s name on it. Wondering if they might be the same person??? from new port Ri

  6. Barbara G. Patton

    also Persifor Frazer

  7. Chris Wolfe

    Only three of her books are on audio and I don’t know HOW that can be! She’s awesome and her books should be available on CD as well as digital downloads.
    I wish she were still here.
    RIP Margaret.

  8. Theda DeBacker

    Dear Justin and Seth,
    I’m very sorry for your loss.
    And I’m sorry for Margaret’s fans. I only discovered her books recently and greatly enjoyed the three audio books.

    Are there any plans in the works to publish any others in audio format?

    Theda from metro Seattle, WA

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