Margaret Frazer

Double Twentieth Anniversary!

August 28th, 2012

The Novice's Tale - Margaret Frazer The Outlaw's Tale - Margaret Frazer

This year is my Double Twentieth Anniversary!

Twenty years ago this summer my first novel – The Novice’s Tale – was published (and is still in print as I write this).

But (must there always be a but?) twenty years ago this year I was also given my first diagnosis of breast cancer.

I’m afraid that the latter considerably took the edge off the former. Instead of gearing up for the excitement of my first novel’s debut, I was recovering from major surgery. A summer that should have been bright with success was shadowed instead with pain and fear. Besides that, I was already dealing with the break-up of my marriage, and by the end of the year I had helped my mother close down her own home in another state and gone house-hunting here in Minneapolis for a place we could live together – her to watch over me as I recovered, me to watch over her in her increasing old age – and hopefully make a home for my young sons.

All in all, emotionally and physically, 1992 was not a great year.

Happily, The Servant’s Tale was finished before the cancer-crisis started, but working on The Outlaw’s Tale was a struggle.  Still, young sons, aged mother, and the need to make a living are great inspiration to get out of bed and to work in the mornings.  And since then – to the good – book has followed book.  Unfortunately – and to the bad – I’ve fought through multiple rounds of cancer, one after another. Of that, on the supposition that my experiences in the cancer dance may be of use to someone, over the next few days I’m going to talk about my experiences.

But more of that another time. Because this is also a time of celebration, and to that end, over the next few days, I’m going to be previewing The Novice’s Tale here on my website one chapter at a time. If you’ve never spent time with our dear Dame Frevisse, I hope you’ll seize the opportunity to make her acquaintance.

Of course, if you and Dame Frevisse are already old friends, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to join me in going back to the beginning. It’s been a long journey. And it’s not over yet.

– Margaret

The Novice's Tale - Margaret Frazer The Outlaw's Tale - Margaret Frazer

6 Responses to “Double Twentieth Anniversary!”

  1. Elizabeth

    Margaret – though I don’t know you I feel I know Dame Frevisse and will enjoy this opportunity to celebrate both the creator and the created! Also – thank you for being honest and frank with your readers. I myself am at the beginning of ‘a journey’ (diagnosis) with continued rounds of tests and app’t ahead of me. There is still a possibility that it may be nothing – but – it may infact turn out to be something. In my lifetime (I’m early fifties) I have seen statistics climb like mad from 1 in 4 people will know someone with cancer to 1 in 4 people will infact have cancer themselves. Well – I may indeed be one of those caught in between those two sets of figures. During this time of uncertainty I have been turning to ‘friends’ that are familiar and your Dame Frevisse and Joliffe are with me in print or when possible on my mp3 player and perhaps soon on my ipad. Both have been good companions on the bus, in waiting rooms and especially at home. Thank you so much – here’s to con’t good health for Frevisse & Joliffe and for those ever odd characters in the real world! Many fond regards from Canada – Elizabeth

  2. Margot

    Love Dame Frevisse, , recently reread the first few books. Thanks so much for winding so much into your stories and now sharing your life. Margot

  3. Anna Stanford

    Congratulations on this milestone! I am hoping for many many more Frevisse and Joliffe stories in the future. You have given me hours and hours of reading pleasure and your books are keepers – I love to re-read them. And I’m so sorry about your cancer and wish you all the best in your continuing fight for health – I’m rooting for you.

  4. Margaret Frazer

    Thank you all for your good words, congratulations, and encouragement. Elizabeth, I am wishing you the very best of luck — preferably beginning with a diagnosis of All Clear. I began the cancer dance in my mid-forties and I think it was said that 1 in 9 women would have breast cancer in their lifetime. Those odds have only gone worse over the years for all cancers. I am so glad you have Frevisse and Joliffe to keep you company.

  5. Priscilla

    You are “double twenty” amazing! Many thanks for the inspiration you give as well as the twenty years of pleasure from your wonderful books.

  6. April

    Catching up on the blog, and wanted to extend my very belated congratulations on this milestone as well! Cancer is such a scourge, and you (and Elizabeth) have my fervent best wishes in reclaiming your health.

    This prompted me to look back to when I first discovered Frevisse. I started with /The Traitor’s Tale/ 4 years ago, and it immediately triggered a buying and scrambling-to-buy spree to collect the rest of the series. (So I was incredibly happy when /Outlaw/ became available for nook last year, as it had eluded me!) I’m looking forward to tripping down memory lane!

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